



  • Research Activities

July 28, 2023

Utsunomiya CampusUtsunomiya Campus: Triumph in Master's Thesis Review and Doctoral Research Presentations

In a display of scholarly excellence, Utsunomiya Campus witnessed a milestone event on July 27, 2023. The Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering Graduate School Division of Integrated Science and Engineering unveiled the results of their master's thesis review meeting and presentation. Scholars confidently fielded questions from a discerning panel of judges, showcasing their profound understanding of their subjects. Concurrently, a third-year doctoral student delivered an illuminating interim presentation on their ongoing research, garnering invaluable insights from the attentive audience of esteemed professors. This convergence of intellectual vigor and mentorship underscores the thriving academic community at Utsunomiya Campus, promising a future marked by groundbreaking research and sustained academic excellence.

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